Introducing Coalton: How to Have Our (Typed) Cake and (Safely) Eat It Too, in Common Lisp

By Robert Smith, Elias Lawson-Fox, Cole Scott


Coalton is a statically typed functional programming language built with Common Lisp.

This is Coalton computing Fibonacci numbers by exponentiating functions (not numbers!):

  (declare function-power (Integer -> (:t -> :t) -> (:t -> :t)))
  (define (function-power n f)
    (if (<= n 0)
        (compose f (function-power (1- n) f))))
  (declare fib-step ((Tuple Integer Integer) -> (Tuple Integer Integer)))
  (define (fib-step x)
    (match x
      ((Tuple a b) (tuple b (+ a b)))))
  (declare fib (Integer -> Integer))
  (define (fib n)
    (fst ((function-power n fib-step) (Tuple 0 1)))))

This is Coalton greeting you by making native use of Common Lisp functions:

  (declare print (String -> Unit))
  (define (print s)
    (lisp Unit (s)
      (cl:progn           ; <-\
        (cl:write-line s) ; <---- These lines are Common Lisp
        unit)))           ; <-/

  (declare hello (String -> Unit))
  (define (hello name)
    (print (str:concat "Hello, " name))))

This is Coalton detecting a type error at compile time:

  (define (bad-hello name)
    (print (concat "Hello, " name))))
;error: Type mismatch
;  --> COALTON-TOPLEVEL (/private/var/tmp/slimevRMH15):3:19
;   |
; 3 |      (PRINT (CONCAT "Hello, " NAME))))
;   |                     ^^^^^^^^^ Expected type '(LIST (LIST :A))' but got type 'STRING'

The Coalton function concat is for a List-of-Lists!

This is the fully native x86_64 assembly code for the Coalton function hello:

; disassembly for HELLO
; Size: 85 bytes. Origin: #x549F3586
; 86:       498B4510         MOV RAX, [R13+16]
; 8A:       488945E8         MOV [RBP-24], RAX
; 8E:       4883EC10         SUB RSP, 16
; 92:       488B156FFEFFFF   MOV RDX, [RIP-401]
; 99:       488B7DE0         MOV RDI, [RBP-32]
; 9D:       B904000000       MOV ECX, 4
; A2:       48892C24         MOV [RSP], RBP
; A6:       488BEC           MOV RBP, RSP
; A9:       B8226B4A50       MOV EAX, #x504A6B22
; AE:       FFD0             CALL RAX
; B0:       480F42E3         CMOVB RSP, RBX
; B4:       4883EC10         SUB RSP, 16
; B8:       B902000000       MOV ECX, 2
; BD:       48892C24         MOV [RSP], RBP
; C1:       488BEC           MOV RBP, RSP
; C4:       B822BB4C50       MOV EAX, #x504CBB22
; C9:       FFD0             CALL RAX
; CB:       480F42E3         CMOVB RSP, RBX
; CF:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
; D2:       F8               CLC
; D3:       5D               POP RBP
; D4:       C3               RET
; D5:       CC10             INT3 16
; D7:       CC10             INT3 16
; D9:       CC10             INT3 16

You might have noticed that some of the above examples include package prefixes. Although the core of Coalton’s power is stored in the packages #:coalton and #:coalton-prelude, many other functions and data structures are spread across its standard library, imported as needed. Here is the package definition for the examples in this post:

(defpackage #:coalton-introduction
  (:use #:coalton
  (:local-nicknames (#:math #:coalton-library/math)
                    (#:str #:coalton-library/string)
                    (#:list #:coalton-library/list)))

Coalton embraces the three S’s of typing discipline: Strict, Static, and Strong. If you know Standard ML, OCaml, Haskell, Elm, or Scala, then you’ll already be familiar with the feel of Coalton. Coalton doesn’t aim to be an independent language from Common Lisp, but instead to augment it. In fact, Coalton is a language embedded inside of Lisp, so Coalton makes use of all of Lisp’s already-available tooling. We want the freedom and agility of dynamic, interactive, and incremental development, with the safety and expressivity of a powerful type system. Normally these are at odds, but we think that—with Coalton—we can have our cake and eat it too.

We believe Coalton will fundamentally change the way we write Common Lisp.

Isn’t Common Lisp Supposed to Be Dynamic?!

Common Lisp is renowned for being a dynamic language; its type system, its featureful object system, its error-handling system (also known as the condition system), and its syntactic foundation of S-expressions all contribute to the language’s dynamic nature. In Lisp, at run-time, it’s possible to re-define classes on-the-fly. The very fact that types can be re-defined during program execution seems to indicate that type and language dynamicism is the only way with Lisp.

However, there is a lot of evidence that Lisp benefits from statically declared types. First, Lisp already has a built-in feature for declaring types, declare, which can be used to not only improve the correctness of your code by (possibly) installing run-time checks, but also to drastically increase performance. Second, Lisp implementations like CMUCL and SBCL have rich support for type inference and static type checking. Most SBCL users would positively attest to the benefits of SBCL’s type checker. As such, it seems reasonable that there’s plenty of room to have benefits of dynamicism and staticism in the same language.

Dynamicism, at the type level and otherwise, is part of Lisp’s DNA, and so we believe it’s futile to attempt to add any sort of type system to on top of ordinary Common Lisp that tries to strong-arm its own built-in system. If we are correct in this belief, this means that the usual approach to “gradual typing” simply isn’t practical with modern Lisp codebases.

Our approach is to have a small, easy-to-understand language that can live within Common Lisp, that can be type checked using advanced techniques, that doesn’t need wholesale adoption, and that can easily interoperate with the rest of the Common Lisp program. It shouldn’t be difficult or computationally inefficient to make use of this language within Lisp, or Lisp within this language.

This is what Coalton aims to be.

What Can Coalton Do?

Coalton doesn’t innovate on programming language theory or type systems. Even though it’s quite tricky to implement, the technology behind Coalton has been understood for more than 25 years. What we do find innovative about Coalton, however, is the unlikely and generally seamless coexistence of a dynamically typed language and a statically typed one. Just about every benefit of Common Lisp, including its powerful tooling for truly incremental development, is automatically carried over into Coalton. In fact, a Coalton function like

(define (stutter x)     ; Coalton
  (str:concat x x))

essentially compiles into the following Common Lisp code:

(DEFUN STUTTER (X)      ; Common Lisp

It does so within the ordinary compilation process for Common Lisp. That’s right. Lisp functions and Coalton functions are one in the same, and no additional tools are needed. Using Coalton is as ordinary as using any other Lisp library:

  1. Add #:coalton to your ASDF dependencies,
  2. Create a package and :use the packages #:coalton and #:coalton-prelude (but not #:cl), and
  3. Write Coalton code inside of (coalton-toplevel ...).

From here, your development process is the exact same for any other Lisp program. That’s truly all there is to it.

Let’s walk through some of Coalton’s headline features.

Headline #1: Coalton’s Type System

In terms of its type system, Coalton’s closest cousin is Haskell. Coalton’s compiler isn’t as advanced as the state-of-the-art Glasgow Haskell Compiler, but Coalton does have the following features:


    ;; Note: Coalton has a built-in compose function
    (declare my-compose ((:b -> :c) -> (:a -> :b) -> (:a -> :c))) 
    (define (my-compose f g x) 
      (f (g x)))

    ;; Note: #:coalton-library/list contains its own length function
    (declare list-length ((List :t) -> UFix))
    (define (list-length l)
      (match l
        ((Nil)       0)
        ((Cons _ xs) (1+ (list-length xs))))))

Here, the keywords :a, :b, :c, and :t are type variables:

    (define-type Expr
      (Val Integer)
      (Add Expr Expr)
      (Mul Expr Expr))
    (define-type (Binary-Tree :a)
      (Node :a (Binary-Tree :a) (Binary-Tree :a))
    (define-class (Evaluable :s)
      (eval (:s -> Integer)))
    (define-instance (Evaluable Expr)
      (define (eval e)
        (match e
          ((Val i)     i)
          ((Add e1 e2) (+ (eval e1) (eval e2)))
          ((Mul e1 e2) (* (eval e1) (eval e2))))))
    (declare line ((Num :t) => (:t -> :t -> :t -> :t)))
    (define (line slope y-intercept x)
      (+ y-intercept (* slope x))))
    ;; Note: Coalton features its own built-in Functor class
    (define-class (MyFunctor :F)
      (map1 ((:a -> :b) -> (:F :a) -> (:F :b))))
    (define-instance (MyFunctor Binary-Tree)
      (define (map1 f t)
        (match t
          ((Node v t1 t2) (Node (f v) (map1 f t1) (map1 f t2)))
          ((Leaf) Leaf)))))
  > (coalton-toplevel
      (define (f x y z)
        (if (< x y)
            (+ x z)
            (+ y z))))
  ; No value

  > (type-of 'f)
   :A. (NUM :A) (ORD :A)  (:A  :A  :A  :A)

We’ve been writing out the types of functions with the declare operator, but unless disambiguation or type-specialization is needed, declaring types is not necessary due to Coalton’s type inference capabilities.

All of these constructs are well-known in the functional programming community. Some languages refer to these concepts by different names, for instance, a “type class” closely resembles a “trait” in Rust, and an “algebraic data type” closely resembles a “case class” in Scala.

Headline #2: Macros

Yes, Coalton has macros. Just define a normal Common Lisp macro and it’ll Just Work™ in Coalton. In fact, Haskell’s do-notation is implemented as an ordinary macro.

Why are macros intended to be written in Common Lisp and not Coalton? We think it’s a pragmatic choice; Lisp is already great at manipulating S-expressions, and Coalton is not. However, since (spoiler alert) Coalton and Lisp can freely interop, you can implement your macro logic in Coalton if you want.

Headline #3: Coalton-Lisp Interop

We describe the Coalton-Lisp interop in the following way: the Coalton-calls-Lisp bridge and the Lisp-calls-Coalton bridge.

The Coalton-calls-Lisp bridge is pretty simple. Coalton has a special operator called lisp that allows arbitrary Lisp code to be embedded into Coalton. A lot of Coalton’s standard library is written this way. For instance, the string library’s concat function is written:

(in-package #:coalton-library/string)

  (declare concat (String -> String -> String))
  (define (concat str1 str2)
    (lisp String (str1 str2)
      (cl:concatenate 'cl:string str1 str2))))

Coalton types can be linked to Lisp types by declaring (repr :native <cl-type>) before a define-type with no constructors:


  (repr :native cl:hash-table)
  (define-type StringMap))

As a result, StringMap objects in Coalton are always of the Common Lisp type cl:hash-table. To construct and manipulate these types of objects, Coalton functions should be defined using the lisp special operator:


  (declare make-table (Integer -> String-Map))
  (define (make-table size)
    (lisp String-Map (size)
        (cl:make-hash-table :test 'cl:equal
                            :size size))))
  (declare table-set (String-Map -> String -> String -> String-Map))
  (define (table-set tbl k v)
    (lisp String-Map (k v tbl)
      (cl:let ((table tbl))
        (cl:setf (cl:gethash k table) v)
  (declare table-get (String-Map -> String -> (Optional String)))
  (define (table-get tbl k)
    (lisp (Optional String) (tbl k)
      (cl:let* ((table tbl)
                (val   (cl:gethash k table)))
        (cl:if (cl:null val)
               (Some val))))))

Note: for a dynamic, free-wheeling, lispy type, (repr :native t) will allow objects of any Lisp type.

The Lisp-calls-Coalton bridge is just as easy with the coalton operator. For instance, we can call our fib function (and have type safety!) in Lisp by writing (coalton (fib 10)).

> (coalton (fib 10))

> (coalton (fib 10.0))

;error: Type mismatch
;  --> <unknown>:1:14
;   |
; 1 |  (coalton (fib 1.0))
;   |                ^^^ Expected type 'INTEGER' but got type 'DOUBLE-FLOAT'

More advanced users can interact with the Lisp-calls-Coalton bridge via the following aspects:

The functions hello and fib from the previous section are monomorphic, and thus can be called directly from Lisp, even without the coalton operator:

> (hello "world")
Hello, world
> (fib 30)

Though note that Coalton will not type-check these function calls for you, since they’re being called as Lisp code.

Headline #4: Functional Programming Conveniences

Because a functional style of programming is expected with Coalton, several features are offered to make this experience nicer.

Applicative-Order: Coalton is unlike Haskell in this respect because evaluation in Coalton is applicative-order (also known as “strict”).

Side-Effects Allowed: Mutability and side-effects are discouraged as a matter of principle, but allowed.

Single Namespace: Coalton only has a single function/value namespace. Some Lispers might call this a “Lisp-1”. There is no need for #' or the like within Coalton.

Curried Functions: All functions are curried. Another way to say this is: Functions take exactly one argument. However, syntactically, we can write function applications in the usual ways expected by Lispers:

  (define (f a b c)
    (+ a (+ b c)))
  (define x (f 1 2 3))      ; ok!
  (define y ((f 1 2) 3))    ; ok too!
  (define z (((f 1) 2) 3))) ; ok three!

Here, x, y, and z are all equal to 6. As an optimization, Coalton compiles fully-saturated curried functions into non-closure-consing Lisp code if possible.

Pattern Matching: There is a match operator in Coalton that works as you’d expect, including _ for wildcard matches. See the eval example above.

Headline #5: Monads

Just kidding.

Headline #5: Monads (Redux)

Actually, we’re not kidding. Monads are implemented in the standard library. Finally, Common Lisp now has true monads! Not CLOS hack-jobs that don’t work.

Here’s a little REPL example to compute the difference between the maximal and minimal element of a list:

> (coalton-toplevel
    (declare list-width ((List Integer) -> (Optional Integer)))
    (define (list-width l)
      (do (max <- (list:maximum l))
          (min <- (list:minimum l))
        (pure (- max min)))))

> (list-width (make-list 1 5 2))
#.(SOME 4)

> (list-width (make-list))

The function list-width is using the fact that Optional (called Maybe in Haskell) implements the monad type class.

Does Coalton Really Work?

We implemented Typing Haskell in Haskell by Mark P. Jones in Coalton, and it was a no-nonsense, straightforward translation.

With that said, Coalton is currently alpha-quality software, and we expect it to stabilize over time. There are bugs to squash and features to implement. From a UX perspective, there’s a lot of ironing out that needs to be done. Nonetheless, it’s good enough now to actually use it for real projects.

If you’re interested in checking out Coalton, head on over to the GitHub!

We both welcome and look forward to your bug submissions and pull requests to help Coalton improve! Anything helps!

Why Go Through All This Trouble?

Developing compilers for quantum computers is hard. There are no books or best practices about it. It’s a rapidly evolving field of research, but simultaneously the field demands practical results for use on real quantum computers that exist today.

One of the state-of-the-art optimizing quantum compilers is an open-source program called QUILC with a companion quantum computer simulator called the Quantum Virtual Machine. Both of these programs are written in 100% Common Lisp, and contain a total of around 50,000 lines of sophisticated, mathematical, data structure–heavy code. And that excludes the plethora of first-party dependencies.

Common Lisp is a fantastic language for developing these programs; it’s fast, stable, extremely flexible, and the developer experience is unmatched. But, both new and seasoned developers sometimes get tripped up and tangled in the web of complex data structures, and inadvertently introduce type errors that the relatively comprehensive test suite doesn’t catch. In addition, such developers heavily rely on documentation strings (“docstrings”) in order to discover what the probable inputs and outputs of the functions are, and those docstrings sometimes go stale.

Coalton’s aim is to allow us to reap the benefits of Common Lisp, and not have to rewrite 50,000 lines of tricky code in order to realize some of the benefits offered by statically typed functional programming languages.

Despite not yet being production-ready, Coalton has already demonstrated success in improving the correctness and comprehensibility of our internal QUILC builds at HRL Laboratories.


This work was supported by HRL Laboratories quantum computing group. Coalton was originally started as an open-source project by Robert Smith in 2018, but was overhauled by Elias Lawson-Fox and Cole Scott during their 2021 summer internship at HRL.

The work was inspired by many great projects and people that preceded it. In no particular order: